Friday, October 21, 2011

07. Sympathy Pain?

If you think it is only the women who suffers the pains of pregnancy, think again. Recent studies have shown that men also suffer pregnancy symptoms with their partner. From cramps to morning sickness, to food carvings, to gaining weight, to mood swings, to contractions, they have it all. In fact, some men are reported to have a swollen stomach as well. Don’t believe me? Google Couvade syndrome. 

The true cause is still debatable, but one thing is confirmed by the research, sympathy pains are for real.

I find the term funny because it is not supposed to be due to sympathy. As per research men aren’t seeking attention, rather this strange behavior is completely involuntary. At the same time none of the symptoms are associated with pain. 

Couvade Syndrome is the more scientific term. Some researchers have tried to explain it with mirror neurons that makes you cry when you see someone else cry or laugh for that matter. It is the same neuron that makes you mirror your wife’s pregnancy.

A particular gentleman claimed to have sympathy pain even before his wife realized that she was pregnant. Scientists have explanations for that too. He probably smelled the pregnancy hormones that triggered the sympathy pain. Millions of years of evolutionary memory fools a man to believe he is pregnant! Who knows. 

That’s for the research part; the question you guys are probably having now is, “Did it happen to you?”

Well, there is no simple answer, maybe, maybe not.

I did gain some weight during the nine months, and I lost some since Hridhima was born. But I have been gaining weight for the past 4yrs, and the new schedule of changing nappies is supposed to make me lose some! So, does that count?

Occasionally I also felt like puking when I climbed up or down the stairs. That happened only few times and I don’t know if that counts as well. But none of my symptoms were as dramatic as the ones mentioned in some of the research. My conclusion is, even though there is some truth element to it, the whole concept of sympathy pains might be a bit overhyped. But then, there are stranger things in this world.


  1. haha...not exactly sympathy pains Sub, but i guess since you are so attached to the wife that you tend to share her anxieties and somehow feel it also within you...the routines become similar and thereby probably the similarities are etched:-)

    and nopes, diaper changing won't make you lose hoo, so unfair na?:-)

  2. @Suruchi: probably you r right:)
    loosing weight isn't a bad thing...nor is diaper changing...:D....LOL

  3. hmm..interesting..heard that for the first time...

  4. @Rohan: I was surprised as well when i heard about it the first time :)

  5. Swollen stomach would be an interesting thing. Rest would be as Suruchi said :)

  6. @Vinesh Balan: i find the fact that some men show sympathy pains even before they realize that she is pregnant very interesting ! :)

  7. Well I do know some men do put on a lot of weight during these nine months.. Soon looking like pregnant themselves... ;)

  8. Agree with what Suruchi said! Sharing of anixety syndrome!

  9. @Rahul Bhatia: True :)...thanks for dropping by :)

  10. Even I think so. But I feel if you are over attached to your wife and over emotional, you kinda feel it!


  11. @Saru Singhal: probably yes...that's what mirror neuron does :)
