Thursday, October 20, 2011

06. She is Back!

Once the first three months were over, she felt a lot better. She was back to herself. We planned a short vacation to lazy Kasauli, our first trip with Hridhima. Next 6 months passed smoothly without any trouble. We didn't even realize how fast the time passed. 

No matter what people say, don’t worry, travelling does not harm the baby, nor does sex. Unless there are some other complications and doctor recommended extra caution.

Your wife is back, and the next three months are the best months during pregnancy. It is time for both of you to slow down and enjoy the phase. Spend time together, help each other, read her books she likes and listen to music.

Sex is back in your life. Yes, women have a slightly bigger tummy by now, but they also has bigger boobs! Unfortunately, they come with a touch-me-not sign. They are big alright, but painful as well. Be careful, you would not really want to hurt her, would you?

It is time to pamper your wife, but make sure you don’t overdo the pampering. She will know how much food she needs, leave it to her. Don’t let anyone force her to eat more than she requires. Else you will end up with a wife more than you have bargained for. She only requires 2600calorie/day, just 400calorie/day more than normal.

Remember to attend ante-natal classes together. Make sure that she is active. The more active one is the easier will be the delivery.

Only 500ml blood is lost during normal delivery (NDV) compared to 1000ml during cesarean. NDV is much less traumatic for mother. That’s why WHO recommends 3:1 ratio for NVD. Unfortunately, ratio in India is reversed. So, if you love your wife and want a less painful NDV, let her be active. She is pregnant and not a patient, she can lead a perfectly normal life if only people let her be.

We went for another USG, and this time we could see her limbs, see her heart pump, and a faint outline of her head. She still looks like an alien, but a more recognizable one. That was a wow moment!

Human fetus development is a complex and highly orchestrated process. The formation of the gut and organ systems is crucial for the fetus's growth and survival. Understanding these stages provides valuable insights into human embryology and the importance of proper fetal development.

- Week 3-4: Germ disc folding and gut formation
- Week 4-8: Foregut development
- Week 8-12: Midgut development
- Week 12-16: Hindgut development
- Week 4-16: Organ rotation and positioning
- Week 6-10: Gut herniation and rotation
- Week 6-8: Cloacal separation
- Week 4-8: Mouth and anus formation

The one that is marked is her hand!


  1. I felt so alive after 3 months!!! :) Before that I swear my bedtime was 7 pm. :(

  2. @alissa4illustration: Oh yes...i know that now :)

  3. Hehe :) what IS it with men and breast?

  4. @Ege: LOL...this is one thing a woman will never understand ;)

  5. Hmmm, it's a blog for Alok not for me...:)

  6. Seriously, I totally agree with Saru. I am going to make my future husband read it for sure.If not for him, for me definitely! :-)

  7. @Upasana: :D....hope he does not find me and kill me :p

  8. I guess I understand men's fascination with acclaimed:P...u just made it apparent today Sub!! haha;)

  9. @Aakriti: there is a difference between knowing and understanding...u mean u really understand? :P

  10. i think every post on this space would make me sigh and smile:-)
    go on and i hope some daddies are listening and learning, besides the mommies sighing:-)

  11. @Suruchi: :D...I hope they don't come and kill me for revealing the secrets of men's world :)

  12. Err... I guess I came here by mistake :P

  13. @Namrata Mahalingam: :D...that's just one post :D
